Your News at Immanuel Lutheran Church
We provide two different newsletters to those interested in happenings past and present at Immanuel.
(To view a newsletter, click the title of the desired newsletter below.)
– Marian Segersten’s E-Newsletter looks at the recent month of activities at Immanuel through photographs and brief descriptions. The E-News is available via email or on this website.
Immanuel’s Story is a print newsletter that gives an in-depth look at upcoming service plans, financial reports, personnel changes, pertinent scripture, upcoming events, birthday wishes and more. This page also includes the monthly calendar, council minutes, the worship serviceschedule for the month and a financial report for the month. Immanuel’s Story Newsletter is available:
- HERE on the website for viewing/printingpreference
- Via U.S. Mail to your mailbox of choice
- Placed in your church mailbox
Click on the email link below to indicate your
Immanuel’s Story Mailer Email Request Form
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