Family Ministry
July 2024

Jill DeCent
Family Ministry Coordinator

Look at that….it’s newsletter time again! 

Do you ever feel like some weeks and months go on forever, then BAM, a week is gone in the blink of an eye, and a month feels like a week. Oh yes, that would be the Summer months-it’s all making sense once again. Here’s what happening in Family Ministry this Summer: 

The youth and confirmation groups have spent their Wednesdays giving back to the community, in way of Summer service projects. We apologize, there were several requests on the connection cards for work to be done, but we were only able to commit to a few-we will look to continue this in the Fall! We have been able to help with multiple yard and weed clean-up projects, and now look forward to our future projects in the month of June. We pray the weather continues to cooperate for us! Our annual “Party at the Parsonage” for all youth and their families will be held on Wednesday, July 24th, from 5pm-8pm. You don’t want to miss this evening of fun on the lake, games, fellowship, and yummy food, so save the date! 

Vacation Bible School is heading to the Crosby Memorial Park! We had low registration for the original plan as advertised, so through much prayer, God is calling us to head out into the community and take Immanuel “God with us” there. Join us for “Pop-up VBS” in the Crosby Memorial Park Bandshell on Wednesdays in July-July 10th, 24th, and 31st. Time will be from 12pm-1pm. Same fun theme- Camp Firelight, Trusting God to be with us in every situation! What better venue for a camp themed VBS? Also, there will be a free lunch available under the park canopy from 11am-1pm, brought to you by C-I Community Education. Let’s Gather, Grow, and GO!

In other VBS news-Is a traditional program something you would still like to attend? No fear, we are beginning a new partnership in VBS with Salem Lutheran Church in Deerwood. Although there’s not enough time to go “Full Speed” with the partnership this year, there will be a few of us from ILC at the Salem VBS this year as volunteers. Salem VBS runs from July 15th-18th, from 9am-12pm. If you would like to register, please do so on the Salem Lutheran Website- If you would like to volunteer, please contact Jill DeCent to coordinate with Salem. GATHER, Grow, Go! 

Genesis 8:22 “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”. 

God’s creation never ceases to amaze me-get out and enjoy these incredible Summer days! 

From John 15:1-2….. “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that DO bear fruit so they will produce even more”. 


VBS registration form 2024

If you wish to volunteer for VBS you can click on the above link and then click on Volunteer Sign Up







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