Get Connected to Immanuel Lutheran Church in Crosby, MN
There are many ways to stay in touch while you are at home or on the road.
- News – click on the News tab on the website here and checkout the recent offerings from:
- Video Messages – in this new feature we post the latest messages of faith from our pastor and other church members.
- Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel.
You will then receive a notification email when new videos are available.
- Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel.
- Audio Messages – also known as podcasts, these are the sermon portion of a church service. These are great to bring up while in your car, on a walk or elsewhere when you have some quiet time to catch up on the latest messages from our pastor.
- Facebook – we have three separate FB pages.
- Email Messages – Recent ones found in Special Messages. We send out weekly email messages – to get on the list, send your email address to: [email protected]
- TT-Tuesday Talk-Points Weekly message from Pastor Paul
- TGIF – Thank God It’s Friday! (and Thank God I’m Forgiven!) Weekly message from Pastor Paul