January 2025

January is named for the ancient Roman god Janus. Janus was a god of doorways, beginnings, and the rising and setting of the sun. 

There were many gateways in Rome where ceremonial entrances and exits were made. As the god of transitions, Janus is often depicted with two bearded heads that face in opposite directions, looking to both the future and the past. Janus is a perfect symbol for new beginnings. 

With retirement on the horizon, it has been a time in my life to look back – back to the many happenings in our life together these past 25 years at Immanuel. Here’s a sampling: 

Wing and a Prayer Band, Churchyard Band, Men’s Den, Meal with a Mission, Faith Inkubators Confirmation program, Families Learning Together, Building expansion project “Space for Grace,” Malawi Orphan Care Project, New Pathways Homeless project, Puppet ministry, Handbells music ministry, new affiliation with LCMC and NALC, Congregational Learning Events, National Youth Gathering, Mission Trips, Cursillo, REC prison ministry, Interfaith (Caregivers) Volunteers, True North Ranch ministry, Cuyuna Range Youth Center, Crosby Food Shelf, Soup Kitchen, Spirit of Christmas Bazaar, Rummage Sale, Care Kits, Lunch Bunch, Cuyuna Lakes Ministerial, Heritage Days, Fourth of July Parade, Baccalaureate, in addition to Sunday worship, confirmation, Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, youth group, graduations, first Bibles, first communions, small group Bible studies, funerals, weddings, baptisms and so much more. (I apologize for something I many have missed!) 

Looking back there is so much to be thankful for! All the “cheers” as well as the “tears.” 

And this is also a time in my life to look forward. For Jill and I, this means looking forward to a new adventure in life and faith. We are not calling it “retirement” but rather “reFIREment” as we know God has some new plans and purposes for us in the work of His kingdom. And for that, we are truly excited! 

And I also find myself being very excited about the future that God has in mind for the life and mission of Christ here at Immanuel. There are exciting days ahead! 

  • Will there be challenges ahead? Yes! Expect it. Prepare for it. Embrace it. Learn from it. Ask God to use the challenges that will come to make this community of 
  • (Joshua 1:9) 
  • Will some things change with new pastoral leadership? Yes! – and maybe for the better! God has a plan. (Jeremiah 29:11) 
  • Will the life-changing Gospel of Christ still be preached to change and transform lives and destinies? Yes! 
  • Will the people of God at Immanuel continue to Gather, and Grow and Go as disciples of Jesus Christ? Yes! 
  • Will this faith community remain known for its culture of grace and forgiveness grounded in God’s Word? Yes! 
  • Can we expect and trust God to be faithful in providing for His people here at Immanuel as he has throughout its history? Yes! (Proverbs 3:5-6) 

And finally, is it possible that God has been, and is now preparing, just the right pastor (as God prepared me!) to serve this congregation at this time in its history, and in these challenging times in which we live? Yes!!! 

It has been said that “a church gets the pastor it prays for.” Let’s all begin (or continue) to pray for the pastors that will serve as interim pastor, and then as the next long-term pastor at Immanuel. These are exciting days indeed, as we look forward to the reFIREment of the life and mission of Christ here in this place, and witness the hand of God at work to provide for His people here at Immanuel. 

New year (January) Blessings! 

Immanuel’s Vision Statement 

A vibrant and diverse community of faith where lives are changed;
Where people of all ages are invited and challenged
To become disciples of Jesus in their daily lives;
Where real people experience healing, help, hope and harmony

Please contact the church office if you, or someone you know from Immanuel, with their permission, is in the hospital. Due to confidentiality laws, the hospital does NOT contact the church (or pastor) when they are admitted, even if they designate a specific church/pastor on the intake form. At Immanuel, we hope and strive to provide timely and appropriate pastoral care to those who would desire and appreciate it. Too often, we are last to know about a member being (or having been) in the hospital. Thank you!