Pastor’s Perspective:
September 2024
Pastor’s Perspective – September 2024
September? Already?! How did that happen? Every year we proclaim, “where did the summer go?” Personally, I am always one holiday behind. I am now ready for the Fourth of July!
Here at Immanuel, it is most important to remember that our baseline identity in life and faith is that of being a disciple of Jesus. In the end, our identity in Christ will be all that matters. And being a disciple of Jesus means to be a believer in Jesus, a follower of Jesus, and a student of Jesus.
And for we who are disciples of Jesus, this will definitely be a “September to Remember” in several significant ways:
In worship – We will be making the move to having one worship service on Sundays at 9:30am, followed by fellowship time, followed by education time at 10:45 for Sunday School and 11am for Adult learning.
During this year of transition in pastoral ministry at Immanuel (I plan to retire in May 2025) moving to one Sunday service would help us be united on Sunday mornings in worship, fellowship and learning. It would also provide wonderful opportunities for the current 9am disciples to meet the current10:30am disciples, and vice versa; and with that come the opportunities for members to build caring relationships between the generations. Even the families we talked with about this decision, desired their children to attend church followed by Sunday School, and that this schedule should not be “too long” for their children.
This new Sunday schedule will begin September 15.
In Learning – Also beginning September 15, is the congregational learning event called “Believe” whose general editor and primary teacher is Pastor Randy Frazee. (You may remember him from “The Story” learning event several years ago). It will be a timely learning event for disciples of Jesus, especially in these times of “religious plurality” (all religions are basically the same) and “relative truth” (there is no absolute truth) that is prevalent in the world today. Now more than ever, it’s important to know clearly what we believe as disciples of Jesus.
“Believe” has three ten-week blocks of learning: Think – Act – Be
- What Do I Believe? (the basics of our faith) THINK
- What Should I Do? (the basics of discipleship) ACT
- Who Am I Becoming? (the basics of spiritual growth) BE
This will be the learning “curriculum” for every-aged disciple at Immanuel – Adults, youth and children. We will literally be on “the same page” as we make our way in worship, small groups, youth group, confirmation and Sunday School.
Small Groups – we hope everyone will participate in a weekly small group. Small groups can meet at church (check with office calendar) or other locations. Small Group sign-up sheets are available on a table near the bookstore area of the Fellowship Hall.
Important: for those not in a weekly small group, we will offer “Small Group Sunday” at approximately 11am each Sunday for the weekly lesson and table group discussion. Please sign-up for that, so we know how many to expect.
Look for student books, DVDs, small group registrations, and other resources to be available at church.
In Recovery – A new community outreach and ministry at Immanuel is called “The Right Path.” The Right Path – Recovery In God’s Holy Truth – Personal And Together Healing – welcomes anyone on any kind of journey in recovery, as well as family members, offered weekly for a time of centering on the help, hope, and healing that comes from God’s Word. It is a Christ-centered and biblically based 12-step recovery program that helps people stay on “the right path.” The Right Path will meet Saturdays at 6pm at church beginning September 14. All are welcome. For more information, contact Pastor Paul or Jill DeCent at church.
So you can begin to see, this will truly be a “September to Remember!”
For I am about to do something new, a new thing. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? (Isaiah 43:19)
Blessings! Pastor Paul
Immanuel’s Vision Statement
A vibrant and diverse community of faith where lives are changed;
Where people of all ages are invited and challenged
To become disciples of Jesus in their daily lives;
Where real people experience healing, help, hope and harmony
Please contact the church office if you, or someone you know from Immanuel, with their permission, is in the hospital. Due to confidentiality laws, the hospital does NOT contact the church (or pastor) when they are admitted, even if they designate a specific church/pastor on the intake form. At Immanuel, we hope and strive to provide timely and appropriate pastoral care to those who would desire and appreciate it. Too often, we are last to know about a member being (or having been) in the hospital. Thank you!