July 2024

Take It To The Lord In Prayer 

by Dave Peterson 

What does the Bible say about prayer? Is there guidance to help us to be more comfortable or confident in how we speak our prayers? I believe Matthew 6:7-8 can be helpful for it says, “When you pray, don’t heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” Matthew follows this passage up in verses 9 through 13 where Jesus teaches what is known as the Lord’s Prayer. In this model, Jesus teaches that 

(1) God’s name is to be honored, (2) that God’s kingdom has or will come; (3) that God provides (petitioners ask for daily bread); (4) that God’s forgiveness is granted if we forgive others; and (5) that God’s deliverance from evil will be provided (rescue from the evil one). 

Jesus taught his disciples how to pray and there are 25 different times we can read in the Bible where Jesus prayed to the Father during His short time on earth. Surely that is only a small sample of the number of times Jesus spoke with the Father, and is ample proof for me that communication with the Father is and should be a part of the relationship we develop with God. We can’t see or touch him but we can reach him through prayer. 

Some are blessed with a gift for words and this can cause those who don’t have that gift to be reluctant to pray, especially in a public situation. Even in our personal prayer life, we may feel inadequate. We shouldn’t feel that way because remember that the Holy Spirit can intercede on our behalf and turn stillness, fumbling words, or silent heartfelt desires into exactly what we are trying to say. We should speak from our heart and try be as specific as we can about how God can help us or those we are praying for, but remember that the Holy Spirit 

is our helper. And we should be sure to thank God for listening to and considering our prayer. 

So the scriptures tell us we don’t have to be polished or accomplished speakers to let God know what our needs or desires are. If we meet him with humility, faith, and a thankful heart and believe that the Father hears and wants to help us, I believe a bond develops and we feel closer to the Great I Am. As the scripture says, “…your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” Do we have faith enough to believe that the Father hears our pleas? I believe he wants and waits to hear from us. 

In conclusion, we have a big loving God, and may our petitions be aligned with his will. There is a text in a song Churchyard sings, “I can call on Jesus anytime, anytime, for he’s always on the line. I know a king almighty, and Jesus is his name. I can call on Jesus anytime.” Wouldn’t it be fantastic to be able to invite God to a physical presence while you have your morning cup of coffee? I wonder what beverage God would choose if he joined us for our morning wakeup. Perhaps he might say something like, “I’ll have what you are having!” We have a big loving God. 



Prayer Requests

If you have a prayer need, please share with us and we will pray for you. If you have a prayer of thanksgiving, we will rejoice with you. Contact the church at 218-546-6010 or email [email protected].


What is the Path of Hope?

by Jill Mattson

It is a special place to walk and hope and pray. It is open to anyone in our community who is seeking peace. Due to the increased rate of suicide in recent times and struggles with mental wellness, we hope this will be a place of help and hope, grounded in God’s word for our community. This path journeys around the memorial garden cross which features scripture to pause and reflect and pray. It is our hope that many in our community will find this place helpful and hopeful. All monies donated will help support this vision and mission. Thank you very much!


Dream Intercessors

The Dream Team intercessors pray specifically for the needs of our pastor and his family. The prayers are communicated every 2 weeks via email or printed up by the office staff for those without email. The Prayer Chain is communicated via email. The prayers are generated from the bulletin Friendship cards, email and phone calls. The PRT (Prayer Responsibility Team) assignments go out to member’s church mail boxes at the beginning of each month. Each month a different church ministry is rotated through each box. These prayers are for the at home prayer support of Immanuel’s ministries.

Prayer Shawl Ministry:

A Prayer Shawl is meant to be given to anyone (male or female, including children) who has had surgery, been diagnosed with an illness, lost a loved one or is dealing with a hardship.

Prayers are said while the shawl is being made, that recipients may feel comfort and love as they wrap themselves in it. Shawls are available in the Fellowship Hall in the far right hand corner on the cabinet shelves. Please be sure to check/sign the book saying to whom you are giving a shawl because we don’t want to duplicate.
Please let me know of anyone you believe should receive one of
these Prayer Shawls.

Thank you, and if any questions, please feel free to call or contact me at 218-546-6065 or by email
[email protected].

Marsha Larson