Pastor’s Perspective:

July 2024

Pastor Paul Mattson

Pastor’s Perspective – July 2024 

“Disciples and Discipleship” 

18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:16-20 

These are the closing words in the Gospel of Matthew; final instructions and commission for his closest followers. Short and sweet – go, and keep on going, making disciples of all peoples. 

A disciple is a follower or student of a teacher or leader. This means in our case, a follower and student of Jesus; one who is attached to him, learns from him, and seeks to emulate him. 

Discipleship is a process of transformation; that changes us to be increasingly more like Jesus through the Word of God : Do not copy the behavior or customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Romans 12:1-2. 

This summer during worship, we will have Scripture readings that touch on the basics of discipleship and will turn the Dog Days of summer into the God Days of summer. We will explore some of the fundamental aspects of being a disciple of Jesus: 

  • Attending worship weekly – staying connected to Jesus and God’s people. 
  • Prayer – daily and at all times, and about all things. 
  • Reading the Bible daily – every day being in the Word of God to develop a working knowledge of God’s Word which “automatically” works in us to grow faith, hope and love. It is also where God speaks to us most clearly. 
  • Fellowship – developing and growing Christian friendships. Staying connected, and being an important part of the Body of Christ. 
  • Serving – being active in service in the church and/or community; understanding one’s spiritual gifts; serving Christ through financial giving and stewardship. 
  • Reaching others – to make more disciples; to know what you believe and being able to tell someone else, and invite others to attend church and church activities. 

Discipleship is Jesus’ vision and hope for YOU and me and all believers; to follow and study him, and be intentionally involved and engaged in a process of transformation (through God’s Word and Holy Spirit) that changes us bit by bit to be more like Jesus. 

In closing: What does a disciple of Jesus and a penny have in common? They are both one “sent.” That’s right! Here at Immanuel, we are all “sent” by God, for the mission and purpose of Gathering, Growing, and Going, as disciples of Jesus. 

Glad to be with you on that journey! Pastor Paul, disciple of Jesus 


Immanuel’s Vision Statement 

A vibrant and diverse community of faith where lives are changed;
Where people of all ages are invited and challenged
To become disciples of Jesus in their daily lives;
Where real people experience healing, help, hope and harmony


Please contact the church office if you, or someone you know from Immanuel, with their permission, is in the hospital. Due to confidentiality laws, the hospital does NOT contact the church (or pastor) when they are admitted, even if they designate a specific church/pastor on the intake form. At Immanuel, we hope and strive to provide timely and appropriate pastoral care to those who would desire and appreciate it. Too often, we are last to know about a member being (or having been) in the hospital. Thank you!