July 2023
Carol Pundt’s Malawi Mission Trip 2023
by Carol Pundt
The children of the Orphan Care Project in Kanyenyeva, Malawi want you to know they are very thankful for your generosity and support. I left with a team of eight other individuals on May 21st and returned home on June 6th. We arrived in Malawi with sixteen- fifty pound boxes of donations.
During our time at the Project we held a Vacation Bible School for approximately 900 children for a week. The theme was living a christian life. We did this through songs, dance, puppets, scoccer, games and prayers. We also helped with serving food to the children and building relationships with the women volunteers.
The string bags for school supplies were a big hit! Thank you for your Faith Share dontions! The women loved the scarves. They were very thankful for them. We also spent one day visiting the farm project and the land for the women’s shelter
I plan share my message of our children of Kanyenyeva with all of you at both church services on Sunday, June 25th.
Thank you for all your prayers and support while I was away in Malawi!
Photos from Carol’s Trip |