May 2022
. . . . in Church Garden
The snow is slowly melting and the Immanuel Lutheran Church Harvest Garden is waking up. This year we received a grant from the Minnesota Horticultural Society to help expand the garden with extra raised beds, soil, plants and seeds. They distribute more than 500 gardening kits to 80+ organizations through-out Minnesota every year. The main focus of the Harvest Garden is to grow food to sell to church members and the money raised is donated to the local food shelf. There are certainly more opportunities that could be initiated to use this won-derful garden to reach others in the community by offering community garden space, opportunities for education with local students or even our own Sunday school and youth programs. If you have any ideas or would like to get involved with the Harvest Garden by helping to plan, plant or work in the garden, please let Bonnie Goshey know at: or Mail Box:36!